Problem: The issue of colorism is not widely known or talked about.
Objective: Introduce the issue to female students at the University of Ghana in a way that invites them to take the issue on as their own. Encourage self-introspection, as well as, engagement in the conversation across multiple platforms.
Creative Director: Kate Farquharson
My team: Camila Vincent, Victoria Jameson, & Yasmeen Aossey
My team: Camila Vincent, Victoria Jameson, & Yasmeen Aossey
The images below are examples of advertisements that Ghanaian women are seeing on a daily basis. They promote skin bleaching products by using "fluff" words that make it socially acceptable.

The language surrounding colorism and skin bleaching is complicated and can disguise the physical and psychological harm that these products can cause.
There is a preference for lighter skin in relationships and courtship.
Representation in the media reinforces colorist ideologies.
Skin toning is perceived to be different from skin bleaching because toning has less harmful connotations.
Within communities that value lighter skin, peer pressure and comparison drive people to bleach.
My team and I created a campaign to launch at the University of Ghana in hopes of bringing awareness to this issue and encouraging conversation around the matter.
My team's strategic plan was a proposal to the current student-led initiative at UT Austin, The Color Complex.
They are currently implementing their plan at The University of Ghana. Take a look at what they're doing.
They are currently implementing their plan at The University of Ghana. Take a look at what they're doing.